This morning, I asked myself, with a forlorn undertone, why myself has deserted my blog for nearly a month. Myself casually replied that there just hasn't been a blogging urge. Upon considering such a reply, myself suddenly felt an urge. I and myself are finally converging to articulate my meanderings once again, in hopes of finding another pleasant opportunity to Face the Muzach.
I haven't had much sleep this week, as I am working 14-hour days. Imagine the drop in energy that an Energizer Bunny wannabe would experience. He'd keep on slowing, and slowing... and slowing... in fact, there's only one solution to re-boost his battery: a good nap. But as time is of the essence, that is no option for this workhorse. The next best alternative would be to guzzle a Redbull--or two, to give me that winged-flight-like buzz. Then after being bucked from that bull at the eight-hour buzzer, seconds would become hours as the remaining 43% of my workday edges to a close. It's completely worthwhile however, considering the fact that I'll have a long weekend. It's high time for a restful getaway with my wife!
We most likely will go lie in a nearby flowery field and fly an imaginary kite, as a pricey plane would fly overhead, far beyond our financial fringes. Much like a kite, our meager income will soar high on this gust of overtime, only to come crashing back down to earth before we'd have the chance to spend its spool. Why should a young, vibrant couple have to resist the urge to splurge? Except for the facts that we have a single income, a daughter, car payments, rent, iPhone bills, other bills, hungry bellies, two gassy cars--and did I mention a single income--we should go along with the urge! But all facts considered, here we'll stay and close our eyes together for an unforgettably fleeting fantastical daydream.
Oh, my. Now the tone of melancholy I've sensed in you is somewhat explained.
ReplyDelete(A fair warning: I've read that there is a buildup of pretty rough not-so-good stuff in one's body from consuming that Redbull.....)
There's a good side to not being able to fly --the TSA patdowns don't have to be endured.....
I'll be praying for you'all, to get Him to give you leading on how to not have to worry about income!
love you, son,
Ah, the 'taurine'. An amino acid usually created in the body. Good stuff!