Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Timely Interview: Featuring Time Itself

Host: I'm glad you could find yourself to be on my show this morning.

Time: Well, here I am.

Host: Indeed. Please go ahead and share a little bit about yourself.

Time: Alright. Well, I'm dependable.

Host: That's a good trait. How would you say you're dependable?

Time: Oh, well, of course you can always count on me! But one drawback to being so dependable is that I tend to tick people off a lot.

Host: Really?! I guess I can see that. Are you ever able to just tock it over together?

Time: No, because I always hear about it at second hand; and I can't turn myself back, so I always have to take the blame.

Host: Do you feel that's unfair?

Time: Well, yeah, "Don't shoot the messenger." Right?

Host: How do you mean?

Time: See, I'm just the messenger. They should rise to the occasion and take it up with my boss if they really want to set things straight.

Host: Oh, yes. I see. I'd imagine that'd be a heated debate!

Time: Yeah! But all I hear is that they want more of me! It's not easy being the only employee.

Host: So would you say being dependable has its perks?

Time: Oh sure! Especially when it comes to music. People love to have a good one of me, and music helps them appreciate me for who I am. And, with all due respect, music would be nothing without me! Nothing!

Host: Oh, so you're all that now, huh?!

Time: Hey, take it up with the boss. I'm just sayin'!

Host: Right, right... Well I see our hour is up.

Time: Yeah, I get that a lot. I can't help that it's written all over my face.

Host: No, but really, I'm glad we found you to get to know you a little better. I hope you enjoy the rest of your Saturday, and enjoy your weekly meeting with your boss tomorrow!

Time: Of course. I hope my boss still thinks the world of me.


  1. I know this is art, but I don't get it. Is the boss your kid?

  2. Incongruous Circumspection, remember that this is an interview with "Time" itself.

    I left many hidden hints throughout the interview. But just to be fair, and not to spoil it for any phantom readers, I'll ask you this:

    What do you think rules "Time"?

  3. I'm an idiot. Sorry. That's what I get for cruising through posts on my lunch break.

  4. Ok...now that I read it, I think its brilliant. I believe human beings have become the boss of time, being that, by definition, it is pretty much relative. It all started with the first peeps staring at the sky and figuring out a system that fit their agrarian lives, then passing on the information. We have hammered out even-houred days for some formality, even though days are not even. Among many other things, time itself is etched into our lives so much so that scraping it off would cause enough chaos to destroy the world.

    Some days, I want it to go away. I'd get more sleep.

  5. The sun 'governs' time - day and night. I believe, if it wasn't for such a rudimentary setup, even my impassioned music would not exist, which was the key point in this interview, for me. Its consistency is calming. As for the artificial denomination of the second - for which Time itself was blamed - I could do without it as well.
